Self Care Sunday Inspiration to Relax & Recharge

Jan 12, 2023

Blue Monday 2023 is round the corner, but feeling unhappy isn’t a once-a-year event. How you feel is unique to you, you might be dreading Monday or you might just fancy pampering yourself on a Sunday. Whatever has brought you here, we hope the tips and quotes inspire you to look after yourself and take time for yourself.

Carry on reading for a self-care evening routine to help you reset ahead of the week.

Self-care Sundays - why you need to make it a staple in your week

Surely every day should be self care day? Well, yeah. But we don’t all live in a world where we have hours to recharge and relax. So, we’re saying - make Sunday your day. Set aside a couple of hours before you wind down for bed to pamper your body and mind.

Forget the Monday dread and your busy week ahead. Get your flat tidying and washing done on Saturdays. Make Sunday your day.


Routine is good for the mind

Having a routine boosts your mental well-being, knowing what you’re doing when gives your brain breathing space to concentrate on the here and now. Knowing you have something to look forward to at the end of your week can have a significant impact on how you feel about your life. 

It focuses your mind on something else

We all worry. Some more than others. Stress is known to cause an increased risk of major health issues and can even speed up the ageing of the skin.

Following a set ritual, even for a few minutes - gives your brain a rest from your worries and daily stresses. The simple act of winding down before bed with a set routine can help you relax and unwind, so when you’re ready to get in bed - you actually sleep. Sounds alright, doesn’t it? Being mindful when you’re carrying out your skincare routine on a Sunday - is just one way to help.

It boosts your mood

Whether you’re a bath or a shower kinda person, water is known to relax muscles and relieve tension. Try a hot (not too hot) bath as part of your Sunday routine. The act of stopping and relaxing is your first step to a successful self care routine.

self care sunday

Sunday sleep wind down pamper routine

We’re obviously a little biased here as a beauty site, but, here us out. Treating your body to the nourishment it needs is proven to improve how you feel. From moisturisers that help rejuvenate your skin to relaxing post-bath products, follow our Sunday pamper routine.

  1. Begin 1-2 hours before you plan to go to bed - this gives your body time to relax fully.

  2. Run yourself a warm bath or pop the shower on - warm water helps to lower your body temperature when you get out, just what your body needs to get to sleep. Don’t forget a shower gel or body wash if you’re having a shower.

  3. Light some candles or have a diffuser in your bathroom -  scents like lavender are proven to help with sleep.

  4. Lay out your skincare products - so you don’t have to go rummaging for your favourite body cream or moisturiser after you’re out of the warm!

  5. Cleanse your skin to remove dirt, oil, and makeup before you apply a mask - get that spa feeling in your own home while you relax!

  6. Read positive affirmations whilst you’re relaxing - you’ve given yourself time to relax, don’t pick up your phone, have some affirmations or quotes (keep reading for some you can use) written down on paper, and read them out loud. If you don’t want to use paper, put on your favourite podcast on your phone - but leave it out of sight and reach.

  7. Moisturise! - when you’re ready to get out of your bath or shower, your skin might feel drier when you get out of the bath, give it the hydration it needs with a body cream and a face cream or moisturiser to add moisture back into your skin. Serums are another great way to give your skin the nutrients and love it needs.

  8. Get into bed - make sure you dim your lights so your body knows it needs to sleep. No phones again. They’re the devil when it comes to sleep. But you know this. You’re ready for sleep.

self care sunday quotes, moisturiser

Self-care quotes to make your Sunday even more amazing

Self care Sunday wouldn’t be the same without quotes and affirmations, here are some of our favourites written by the team and some anonymous sources online.

  • Heavily in my “if it costs my peace, it has to go” era.
  • Balance. Patience. Consistency.
  • Everything is going to fall into place, it will get better.
  • I have everything I need within me to be happy and content.
  • I value my body, I value my mind, and I value my time. I value me.
  • People will come and go in my life, and that’s okay. I will be fine.

Start this Sunday

The 8 steps in our routine might seem simple, but they work. Following a set routine, at the same time, every week will get your mind in the right space to sleep. 

Try it this week.

If you need some inspiration on which products could compliment your routine, check out our skincare product collection.